The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, also known as the Harmonized System (HS) of tariff nomenclature is an internationally standardized system of names and numbers to classify traded products. The HS System is maintained by the World Customs Organization and used by customs authorities around the world to identify products when assessing duties and taxes and for gathering statistics.
The HS assigns specific six-digit codes for varying classifications and commodities. Countries are allowed to add longer codes to the first six digits for further classification.
The file available below includes the list of HS codes used by the global medical technology sector for medical devices (first 6 digits), as well as the additional digits as used for medtech in the United States (HTS code).
These codes are required for the export and import of medical devices as well as to track related notifications on the technical regulations of such products to the World Trade Organization – Technical Barriers to Trade Committee.